Saturday, October 27, 2012

What sleep (pshhhh).

Ahhh so it is the night before and I cannot sleep... I wonder why? I am so stinking excited, I feel that the more I think about it the more likely I am about to explode: An explosion is a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner. (BWAAAA). :-) Tomorrow's AM call? 5:30am Departure?: 7:30am Arrival: 10:10am. Orlando here I come baby. 

Word of the moment: Stoked

So earlier musings of the day... I woke up, finished packing.... Then saw "Here Comes the Boom" which was a particularity good movie. I was cracking up through most of the movie, not to mention three elderly women were making comments throughout the film. Well done Doug, (King of Queens) well done. After that an excellent burger from Ruby Tuesday which ended with Matrix Reloaded. Next stop disney.... :-)


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