Sunday, July 8, 2012

Disney Training

I am currently being trained to become a Rescue Diver for Disney! This a very exciting time right now. I have 2 more scuba classes to take. Wish me luck in the advanced diving class this upcoming weekend. I have a Peak Buoyancy Dive, Night Dive, Navigation Dive, and two others!

So life since I have left Texas has been quite busy, I have started a couple side jobs to fill the space between now and disney. (Yes I have a date!) I have been working as a Bus Aide and Noon Aide for the Farmington Public school system which has been completely rewarding. I wish I could tell you about the kids from the bus on this blog but I have to protect their identity. I can tell you they are special needs kids and they are singing and dancing with me.

I also since school has ended become a custodian for the schools during the summer. We are currently preparing the school to be ready come fall. We are stripping the floors of wax and scrubbing those dirty lockers clean. It is a lot of hard work but everything is so worth it.

I can say that I honestly miss the depth of relationships at Teen Mania, life outside is not the same and you do have to get used to it. With a combination of forces out of my control I took a break from all communication in order to move on mentally, ending that season in my life and starting my roots in a new one. It is not always easy but with the right surroundings it is bearable.

I am currently attending check it out!


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