Monday, March 19, 2012

Today was the first day on my long trip back to Detroit Michigan. I was gently awoken at 10:13 am from the couch at quad one, I had decided to hold back heading to Dallas until the morning due to being exhausted from the plethora of farewells and goodbyes with very dear friends. I have read a few of the wondrous notes that my PD kids left for me in a journal and to be honest I have loved their unique since of wording and diction that holds true to their personalities.

Having arrived in dallas I have been taken out to my absolute favorite meal! Italian! Now with Madea's I can do bad by myself and Mao's Last dancer on my list of motion pictures for the evening I believe I am set up for another wonderful evening.

4 Days will Detroit and ? Days till Disney!

- Shaggy

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